Без имени2cthfz

Born: c.Gorkiy (now - Nizhniy Novgorod)


Education: Gorkiy Art School (1981-1985),

Moscow Art Industrial University, named

after S.G Stroganov (1989-1995).


A member of Artists’ Association of Russia

since 1998.


Since 1986 has taken part in numerous

regional exhibitions.

All-Russian Art Exhibition (Moscow, 1988),

Area exhibitions “The Big Volga” (1989, 1998, 2003, 2011)

Taught art at the National Art Institute of the

Republic of Mali (Bamako, 1995-1997)

A participant of International Plain Air of

painters and graphic artists in Magdeburg

(Germany, 1988),

Of  International Theatre and Art Session

“Back in the USSR” in Baden (Switzerland, 2004)

Personal exhibition: Nizhny Novgorod, 2001.


Original artwork of M. Ture is included into

the Russian Federation exhibitory holding

and could also be found in privatecollections

of Switzerland, Germany, Austria, USA,

France, Sweden, Israel.